Andreas Brink albums available on Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube and all the usual platforms:

Evening ashes dawn gold (May 2024)

19 tracks, 48 minutes

To listen on Spotify click here

Pale fear and forebodings (November 2023)

14 tracks, 44 minutes

To listen on Spotify click here

Lunar gravity (August 2022)

12 tracks, 42 minutes

To listen on Spotify click here

Polariod dreams (March 2022)

5 tracks, 63 minutes

To listen on Spotify click here

Critical mass (October 2021)

3 tracks, 62 minutes

To listen on Spotify click here

Year of the cow (June 2021)

16 tracks, 46 minutes

To listen on Spotify click here

The book of solitude (November 2020)

17 tracks, 49 minutes

To listen on Spotify click here

Nordhalla (August 2020)

15 tracks, 40 minutes

To listen on Spotify click here

Arrival of a train at a deserted station (July 2020)

10 tracks, 51 minutes

To listen on Spotify click here

10 Classical Duets For Bass Guitar